DirSrv log ========== Usage example -------------- :: # Get array of all lines (including rotated and compresed logs): standalone.ds_access_log.readlines_archive() standalone.ds_error_log.readlines_archive() # Get array of all lines (without rotated and compresed logs): standalone.ds_access_log.readlines() standalone.ds_error_log.readlines() # Get array of lines that match the regex pattern: standalone.ds_access_log.match_archive('.*fd=.*') standalone.ds_error_log.match_archive('.*fd=.*') standalone.ds_access_log.match('.*fd=.*') standalone.ds_error_log.match('.*fd=.*') # Break up the log line into the specific fields: assert(standalone.ds_error_log.parse_line('[27/Apr/2016:13:46:35.775670167 +1000] slapd started. Listening on All Interfaces port 54321 for LDAP requests') == {'timestamp': '[27/Apr/2016:13:46:35.775670167 +1000]', 'message': 'slapd starte d. Listening on All Interfaces port 54321 for LDAP requests', 'datetime': datetime.datetime(2016, 4, 27, 13, 0, 0, 775670, tzinfo=tzoffset(No ne, 36000))}) Module documentation ----------------------- .. autoclass:: lib389.dirsrv_log.DirsrvAccessLog :members: .. autoclass:: lib389.dirsrv_log.DirsrvErrorLog :members: