Guidelines for using pytest and lib389

The guide covers basic workflow with git, py.test, lib389 and python-ldap.

For a saving place purposes, I’ll replace[“master1”] with master1 , etc.

Basic workflow

  1. Clone 389-ds-base repo
    git clone
    git remote add myfork
  2. Go to the cloned directory

  3. Create a new branch for your work:

    git checkout -b new_test_suite
  4. Check out PEP8 cheat sheet:
  5. If you develop a new test, use ./dirsrvtests/ tool to generate new file. -s basic -m 2 -o ./dirsrvtests/tests/suites/basic/
    # It will create with two masters set up and put the file to right dir
    • If you are creating a test suite, the script will add one test case for you with generated ID in the docstring (and it will check it for uniqueness)

    • Please, add more ID (to new test cases) with the next command and check if it is unique for other tests

      python -c 'import uuid; print(uuid.uuid4())'
    • We need to have proper docstring for every test case. We need them because it makes easier to understand what is happening in the test. Also we have an inside metric system with test plans there. We use them for our overall testing process improvement. You can take it as an example:

      """Test if member is automatically added to the group
      :id: 38621a51-03bc-4fba-93ef-7e525df87c5d
      :setup: Standalone instance, enabled Auto Membership Plugin
          1. Create a user
          2. Assert that the user is member of the group
          1. Should be success
          2. Should be success
  6. Add some fixture(s), if needed. The purpose of test fixtures is to provide a fixed baseline upon which tests can reliably and repeatedly execute.

    • For example:

      def rdn_write_setup(topology_m2):
          def fin():
    • It will add some entry to the master1 in the beginning of the test case and delete this entry after test case is finished.

  7. Add test case(s). It should be defined as function which name starts with “test_”

    • For example:

      def test_search_limits_fail(topology, rdn_write_setup):
    • You can put any amount of created fixtures as the arguments

  8. Write some good code with encapsulations, assertions etc.

  9. Commit and push your code to your repo:

  • Commands:

    git add ./dirsrvtests/tests/suites/basic/
    git commit
    git push myfork
  • Basic guidelines for the commit message format

    • Separate subject from body with a blank line

    • Limit the subject line to 50 characters

    • Capitalizethesubject line

    • Do not end the subject line with a period

    • Use the imperative mood in the subject line

    • Wrap the body at 72 characters

    • Use the body to explain what and why vs. how

    • In the end, put a link to the ticket

    • Add “Reviewed by: ?” line. Example:

      Issue 48085 - Expand the repl acceptance test suite
      Description: Add 6 more test cases to the replication
      test suite as a part of the TET to
      pytest porting initiative.
      Increase the number of seconds we wait before the results check.
      Reviewed by: ?
  1. Test your script:

    If you want to have the instances not to be deleted after the test case execution, you need to set DEBUGGING environment variable to something.

    export DEBUGGING=yes
    py.test -v -s /mnt/testarea/test/ds/dirsrvtests/suites/basic
  2. If everything is alright, then create a pull-request:

    • Go back to 389-ds-base dir (depends on where you want to send the patch) and do:

      git checkout master
      git pull
      git checkout new_test_suite
      git rebase master
    • Go to

    • Press “New Pull Request” button and choose your branch

    • Check that all fields have a right information and press ‘Create pull request’ button

    • Send an email to with

      Subject: Please review: YOUR COMMIT FIRST LINE
      Body: The links to the upstream ticket and the pull-request (or the patch).
  3. Fixing Review Issues

    • If there are issues with your change, git allows you to fix your commits.

      # If you're not already in that branch
      git checkout new_test_suite
      # Make changes to some file
      # Add changes to your commit and fix the commit message if necessary
      git commit -a --amend
    • You can also use “ git rebase -i ” to “squash” or combine several commits into one commit. And you can rebase the chain of commits right in the GitHub interface too.

    • After the changes are commited, push that commit to your fork branch (or upload a new patch)

      git push myfork --force


Basic info about fixtures -


  • the scope for which this fixture is shared, one of “function” (default), “class”, “module”, “session”

  • Use “function”, if you want fixture to be applied for every test case where it appears

  • Use “module”, if you want fixture to be applied for a whole test suite (file you run)


  • Fixture functions can be parametrized in which case they will be called multiple times, each time executing the set of dependent tests, i. e. the tests that depend on this fixture.

  • You should put your params in list and then access it within you fixture with request.param. For example:

    # First it will test with adding and deleting ENTRY to the first master then to the second
    @pytest.fixture(params=[0, 1])
    def rdn_write_setup(topology_m2):
        m_num = request.param["master{}".format(m_num)].add_s(ENTRY)
        def fin():

Test cases


  • The built-in pytest.mark.parametrize decorator enables parameterization of arguments for a test function. For example:

    ROOTDSE_DEF_ATTR_LIST = ('namingContexts',
    @pytest.mark.parametrize("rootdse_attr_name", ROOTDSE_DEF_ATTR_LIST)
    def test_def_rootdse_attr(topology_st, import_example_ldif, rootdse_attr_name):
        """Tests that operational attributes
        are not returned by default in rootDSE searches
   "Assert rootdse search hasn't {} attr".format(rootdse_attr_name))
        entries = topology_st.standalone.search_s("", ldap.SCOPE_BASE)
        entry = str(entries[0])
        assert rootdse_attr_name not in entry
  • As you can see, unlike the fixture parametrizing, in the test case you should first put the name of attributes, then the list (or tuple) with values, and then put the attribute to the function declaration.

  • You can specify a few attributes for parametrizing

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("test_input,expected", [
        ("3+5", 8),
        ("2+4", 6),
        ("6*9", 42),])
    def test_eval(test_input, expected):
        assert eval(test_input) == expected

Marking test functions and selecting them for a run

  • You can “mark” a test function with custom meta data like this:

    def test_search_sec_port():
        pass # perform some search through sec port
  • You can also set a module level marker in which case it will be applied to all functions and methods defined in the module:

    import pytest
    pytestmark = pytest.mark.ssl
  • You can then restrict a test run to only run tests marked with ssl:

    py.test -v -m ssl
  • Or the inverse, running all tests except the ssl ones:

    py.test -v -m "not ssl"
  • Select tests based on their node ID

    • You can provide one or more node IDs as positional arguments to select only specified tests. This makes it easy to select tests based on their module, class, method, or function name:

    • py.test -v

  • Use -k expr to select tests based on their name

    • You can use the -k command line option to specify an expression which implements a substring match on the test names instead of the exact match on markers that -m provides. This makes it easy to select tests based on their names

      py.test -v -k search
      py.test -v -k "search or modify"
      py.test -v -k "not modify"


  • pytest allows you to use the standard python assert for verifying expectations and values in Python tests. For example, you can write the following:

    def f():
        return 3
    def test_function():
        assert f() == 4
  • You can put the message to assert , it will be shown when error appears:

    assert a % 2 == 0, "value was odd, should be even"
  • In order to write assertions about raised exceptions, you can use pytest.raises as a context manager like this:

    import pytest
    def test_zero_division():
        with pytest.raises(ZeroDivisionError):
            1 / 0
  • Or even like this, if you expect some particular exception:

    def test_recursion_depth():
        with pytest.raises(RuntimeError) as excinfo:
            def f():
        assert 'maximum recursion' in str(excinfo.value)

Python 3 support

Our project should support Python 3. Python-ldap works with ‘byte’ strings only. So we should use lib389 functions as much as possible because they take care of this issue.

If you still must use ‘modify_s’, ‘add_s’ or other python-ldap functions, you should consider defining the attribute as ‘byte’. You can do this like this, with b’’ symbol:

# Modify an entry
standalone.modify_s(USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'cn', b'Mark Reynolds')])

Or if you have a complex string or variable that you want to convert, you can use ‘ensure_*’ functions for that:

from lib389.utils import (ensure_bytes, ensure_str, ensure_int, ensure_list_bytes,
                          ensure_list_str, ensure_list_int)

standalone.modify_s(USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'jpegPhoto', ensure_bytes(var_with_content)])


Basic constants

DEFAULT_SUFFIX = “dc=example,dc=com”
DN_DM = "cn=Directory Manager"
PW_DM = "password"
DN_CONFIG = "cn=config"
DN_SCHEMA = "cn=schema"
DN_LDBM = "cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config"
DN_CONFIG_LDBM = "cn=config,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config"
DN_USERROOT_LDBM = "cn=userRoot,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config"
DN_MONITOR = "cn=monitor"
DN_MONITOR_SNMP = "cn=snmp,cn=monitor"
DN_MONITOR_LDBM = "cn=monitor,cn=ldbm database,cn=plugins,cn=config"

For more info check the source code at . If you need a constant, use this kind of import. If you need a lot of constants, import with *

from lib389._constants import CONSTANT_YOU_NEED
from lib389._constants import *

Add, Modify, and Delete Operations

Please, use these methods for the operations that can’t be performed by DSLdapObjects.

# Add an entry
USER_DN = 'cn=mreynolds,{}'.format(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
standalone.add_s(Entry((USER_DN, {
                              'objectclass': (b'top', b'person'),
                              'cn': b'mreynolds',
                              'sn': b'reynolds',
                              'userpassword': b'password'

# Modify an entry
standalone.modify_s(USER_DN, [(ldap.MOD_REPLACE, 'cn', b'Mark Reynolds')])

# Delete an entry

Search and Bind Operations

  • By default when an instance is created and opened, it is already authenticated as the Root DN(Directory Manager).

  • So you can just start searching without having to “bind”

    # Search
    entries = standalone.search_s(DEFAULT_SUFFIX, ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(cn=*)', ['cn'])
    for entry in entries:
        if 'Mark Reynolds' in['cn']:
  'Search found "Mark"')
    # Anonymous bind
    bind_dn = ""
    bind_pwd = ""
    # Bind as our test entry
    bind_dn = USER_DN
    bind_pwd = "password"
    # Bind as Directory Manager
    bind_dn = DN_DM
    bind_pwd = 1
    standalone.simple_bind_s(bind_dn, bind_pwd)

Basic instance operations

# While working with DirSrv object, you can set 'verbose' parameter to True in any moment
standalone.verbose = True

# To remove an instance, simply use:

# Start, Stop, and Restart the Server

# Returns True, if the instance was shutdowned disorderly

Setting up SSL/TLS

You need only one line to enable SSL/TLS on the instance.


Certification-based authentication

For the SSLCLIENTAUTH setup, you need:

from import ServiceAccounts
from lib389.config import CertmapLegacy
from lib389.replica import ReplicationManager, Replicas

# Create the certmap before we restart for enable_tls
cm_m1 = CertmapLegacy(m1)
cm_m2 = CertmapLegacy(m2)

# We need to configure the same maps for both
certmaps = cm_m1.list()
certmaps['default']['DNComps'] = None
certmaps['default']['CmapLdapAttr'] = 'nsCertSubjectDN'


[i.enable_tls() for i in topo_m2]

# Create the replication dns
services = ServiceAccounts(m1, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
repl_m1 = services.get('%s:%s' % (, m1.sslport))
repl_m1.set('nsCertSubjectDN', m1.get_server_tls_subject())

repl_m2 = services.get('%s:%s' % (, m2.sslport))
repl_m2.set('nsCertSubjectDN', m2.get_server_tls_subject())

# Check the replication is "done".
repl = ReplicationManager(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
repl.wait_for_replication(m1, m2)

# Now change the auth type
replica_m1 = Replicas(m1).get(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
agmt_m1 = replica_m1.get_agreements().list()[0]

    ('nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod', 'SSLCLIENTAUTH'),
    ('nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo', 'SSL'),
    ('nsDS5ReplicaPort', '%s' % m2.sslport),

replica_m2 = Replicas(m2).get(DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
agmt_m2 = replica_m2.get_agreements().list()[0]

    ('nsDS5ReplicaBindMethod', 'SSLCLIENTAUTH'),
    ('nsDS5ReplicaTransportInfo', 'SSL'),
    ('nsDS5ReplicaPort', '%s' % m1.sslport),


And if you want just TLS authentication on a single instance:


# Create a user
assert(standalone.nss_ssl.create_rsa_user('testuser') is True)

# Get the details of where the key and crt are
#  {'ca': ca_path, 'key': key_path, 'crt': crt_path}
tls_locs = standalone.nss_ssl.get_rsa_user('testuser')


# Create user in the directory
users = UserAccounts(standalone, DEFAULT_SUFFIX)
        'uid': 'testuser',
        'cn' : 'testuser',
        'sn' : 'user',
        'uidNumber' : '1000',
        'gidNumber' : '2000',
        'homeDirectory' : '/home/testuser'

# Turn on the certmap
cm = CertmapLegacy(standalone)
certmaps = cm.list()
certmaps['default']['DNComps'] = ''
certmaps['default']['FilterComps'] = ['cn']
certmaps['default']['VerifyCert'] = 'off'

# Restart to allow certmaps to be re-read: Note, we CAN NOT use post_open

# Now attempt a bind with TLS external
conn = standalone.openConnection(saslmethod='EXTERNAL', connOnly=True, certdir=standalone.get_cert_dir(), userkey=tls_locs['key'], usercert=tls_locs['crt'])

assert(conn.whoami_s() == "dn: uid=testuser,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com")